Sunday 17 May 2009

let the rain fill my mouth.

i love rain, i really do. when i was much younger and living in India, i can still vividly remember the fresh smell of wet grass and mud which was left behind after a good few hours of downpour. this would then be followed by the usual aromas of Indian cooking filling the air from neighbours' houses. rain would also mean that the little streets of Calcutta were going to be terribly flooded leading to already cumbersome traffic jams. looking out the car window you would often see naked children from roadside slums drenched in rain water but playing with such euphoria that you would wonder whether they really are the unfortunate ones.

but i must admit, i fell in love with rain once i moved to Malaysia. tropical rain just has its own charm - and it managed to charm me straight away. never have i witnessed rain with such force, such a fury; one that makes you feel your existence is close to nothing in comparison. buildings right in front of you are blinded by a curtain of white and gray downpour and the wind whistles constantly through tightly shut doors and windows. what follows is pure bliss as the air is infused by a pleasant and light dampness with the surroundings cooling down (amid the otherwise hot and humid Malaysian temperature). i took that photo on my trip back over Spring Break - it's a part of the view from my room. on one side there is alarge hill, completely green with flourishing trees and the most beautiful sight is after the rains when light, fluffy clouds descend upon that hill and loosely lace the trees as if dabbing them dry. it's so calm, so serene, so natural in an otherwise concrete jungle.

and then we have rain here; ugly, irritating and unnecessary and not to mention cold and uncomfortable. it has been raining constantly for the past five days and is expected to rain for the next week, according to weather reports. bleh.


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